Join us in Brooklyn at our Industry City store

Coming on the heels of our Industry City store opening, we will be using the space to get people and design together during the next few chilly months. Including Cristel, The American Design Club, Strand, The Impossible Project and Adorn Milk, we’re collaborating with some pretty rad companies to put on a gamut of festive events in November and December. In spirit of the season, we are thrilled to present holiday related activities including book signings, pop-up shops, cooking demonstrations, tea parties, happy hours and so on.

With a trifecta holiday shopping manual supported by a multi-tiered event line-up, our staff has put together a roster of their favorite items, a gift guide, and an under $25 present list. As for the items included, they run the gamut from a carbon folding knife to Mason Jar candles, truffle salts, and Loop de Loup handmade jewelry with an industrial yet modern aesthetic. Which is to say: There truly is something in the next few months at WantedDesign for everyone —bosses and coworkers, aunts and uncles, significant others, and so on… Like the IC Store by WD page on Facebook to get updates on new arrivals and events.

As we prepare for WantedDesign in the New Year, we wanted to set the gears in motion by introducing our ever-growing team. Via our very own workforce, we aim to invigorate design into the day-to-day humdrum by way of grouping and sorting items that are only available at the Industry City store. In effort to spread design into this festive time of year, we offer you our handpicked seasonal guides and activities we’ve lovingly assembled. We are look forward to all things design, all-the-time, as we move into 2016! More