MG French Design

Since it was founded in 2005 on the initiative of Isabelle Mortreuil, MG French Design has been combining interior and exterior design codes with a shrewd and sensitive eye. Indoors or out, the collections exude simplicity, cheerfulness and a form of elegance that does not take itself too seriously. Elaborately worked, cut, bent and fashioned in our manufacturing workshops near Lyon, metal remains our preferred material. Our in-outdoor collections exploit clean-cut lines enhanced by a wide range of different hues. In 2014, MG will once again be working in collaboration with designers Luc Josancy and Rémi Casado and will be reaching out to the avant-garde of French design by creating a collection with Constance Guisset. The resulting new collections are both refined and elegant in design.

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Hegoa collection design by Luc Jozancy

Parisian designer Constance Guisset’s Ankara 2009 collection comprises a range of five indoor tables, three of which were initially designed for the Ankara branch of the Institut Français in Turkey. Redesigned in an all-metal version and enhanced by the addition of two brand new models, the collection is available in eleven colours taken from the designer’s colour wheel. This is the first time that the Lyon brand, a benchmark in metal in-outdoor furniture, has worked with the avant-garde French designer.

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Ankara collection, design by Constance Guisset